
Event Listings

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May 31, 2023 at 3:00PM

Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting

Promotional Flyer

April 17-20, 2023

Zero Emission Transit Training Workshops

SunLine Transit Agency announced the launch of the West Coast Center of Excellence – Transit Training Workshops being held on April 17 -20, 2023. This free training was developed for transit professionals that are interested in learning about zero-emission technology. Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn from subject matter experts in the fields of planning, operations, leadership, safety and maintenance, and procurement pertaining to zero-emission transit vehicles.

Travel stipends are available to mitigate cost for attendance of workshop, please visit the enrollment link to complete the application.

Enrollment deadline: 4/13/23

Promotional Flyer

Training Tracks & Sessions

Coachella Valley Clean Cities Coalition